We will continue to gather online
Sundays at 9:15am until further notice. 

As our world grapples with how to handle the evolving coronavirus pandemic, we know that your heart is being bombarded with many different messages. Our prayer is that you feel supported and strengthened in this time by your church family.


Viral disease is a fact of biological existence and part of creation. Keeping perspective and not panicking apply here, just as they do for all risks we face as creatures in a finite world. No matter how dire circumstances get, the Lord remains our refuge and strength, “an ever-present help in trouble” (Ps. 46:1). To trust in the Lord amid trouble is to experience and bear witness to the power of Christ.

We must pray for the sick and the scared, for public health officials, for doctors and nurses, for researchers, and for caregivers. As Christians, we believe prayer has power, so we seek help from the Lord.

The media is inundated with daily updates and it’s impossible to read, absorb and respond to every news report, Tweet, or latest rumor. We’re following a reliable list of information for educational, planning and management purposes.

 CDC on COVID-19: The US Center for Disease Control’s up-to-date resources on coronavirus.

 CDC Resources for Community and Faith-Based Organizations: The CDC has also created resources specifically for faith-based organizations to respond to influenza pandemic, which are applicable in this situation. As a church, we’re implementing this guidance.

 Managing Anxiety Around Coronavirus Coverage: The American Psychological Association created this resource to help manage anxiety around coverage of COVID-19.

 Addressing Mental Health Issues: This resource from the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Network provides guidelines for addressing mental health issues that may arise, and offers advice for messaging, including among children, older adults, people with disabilities, and those in quarantine.

Because COVID-19 likely spreads like the cold and the flu, personal hygiene is very important for all ages. We’re also doing the following:

We’re staying informed with local public health officials as well as our own community updates.

We’re adjusting our weekend services to be solely online until further notice.

Life Groups and midweek gatherings are being evaluated week to week. As of now Life Groups are still meeting at the discreation of the life group leaders.

We’re determining the best way to help communities outside of SLO who are hit the hardest.

We’re reviewing all of our communication practices with our church family and implementing appropriate communication when appropriate – like this webpage.


Pray for our community and those directly affected by COVID-19. Pray for the health care workers that are treating the sick and those public health administrators making difficult decisions. Pray that God would protect our community from further spread of the virus.

Reflect Christ. In these anxious days, the church (all of us) can shine as a light of hope, care, faith, patience and prudence. We can demonstrate for the world how our faith provides true assurance against worry and fear.

Practice recommended personal hygiene. Wash your hands frequently. Avoid contact with the sick. Stay home from public functions if you’re sick. Enjoy our online service.